S is for Science
When you think of science, you probably think of bubbling concoctions and incredible explosions, but it's so much more! Science is about better understanding the world around us through experiments that may or may not include bubbling concoctions and incredible explosions. Here's the thing, though: all experiments follow strict rules so that experimental results can trust the results. Without solid evidence, an idea or theory is just an idea or theory, not a scientific fact.
T is for Technology
When you think of technology, you probably think of the latest iPhone or Oculus Quest. While those are considered technology, not all technology needs to be flashy and digital. The first known technological inventions were stone tools! Technology aims to help make our lives easier - simple mortar and pestle or fancy Google Pixel 7.
E is for Engineering
Engineering is all about problem-solving. Engineers pay close attention to worldwide things and note problems they could fix. The pulley system is one of the earliest machines created, dating back to the early 2nd millennium, to fill buckets of water. It's such an innovative system that we still use it today for construction cranes, elevators, and flagpoles.
A is for Art
Art is a creative expression, and many techniques exist to create art. From sketching and painting to sculptures and 3D printing - even designing buildings and cars!
M is for Mathematics
Math is all about numbers - adding, taking away, multiplying, and dividing - but there's more to it! It's part of everyone's daily life; from spending money to following a recipe, we use math.
STREAM is a new acronym going around. The R is for Reading and wRiting. Both abilities are essential building blocks to learning. Advocates of STREAM see literacy as an essential part of a well-rounded curriculum, as it requires critical thinking as well as creativity.
When you think of science, you probably think of bubbling concoctions and incredible explosions, but it's so much more! Science is about better understanding the world around us through experiments that may or may not include bubbling concoctions and incredible explosions. Here's the thing, though: all experiments follow strict rules so that experimental results can trust the results. Without solid evidence, an idea or theory is just an idea or theory, not a scientific fact.
T is for Technology
When you think of technology, you probably think of the latest iPhone or Oculus Quest. While those are considered technology, not all technology needs to be flashy and digital. The first known technological inventions were stone tools! Technology aims to help make our lives easier - simple mortar and pestle or fancy Google Pixel 7.
E is for Engineering
Engineering is all about problem-solving. Engineers pay close attention to worldwide things and note problems they could fix. The pulley system is one of the earliest machines created, dating back to the early 2nd millennium, to fill buckets of water. It's such an innovative system that we still use it today for construction cranes, elevators, and flagpoles.
A is for Art
Art is a creative expression, and many techniques exist to create art. From sketching and painting to sculptures and 3D printing - even designing buildings and cars!
M is for Mathematics
Math is all about numbers - adding, taking away, multiplying, and dividing - but there's more to it! It's part of everyone's daily life; from spending money to following a recipe, we use math.
STREAM is a new acronym going around. The R is for Reading and wRiting. Both abilities are essential building blocks to learning. Advocates of STREAM see literacy as an essential part of a well-rounded curriculum, as it requires critical thinking as well as creativity.