Launch Code: An Umbrella of Programs

We've talked about the importance of STEAM for today's kids. So where do you start? Well, you've gotta learn the basics and that's what we're here for! We have super engaging programs to get kids on their way to coding like a pro.

Code Craft
What kid is not obsessed with Minecraft? We use their fascination with Minecraft to our (and your child's) advantage by introducing coding through Microsoft's Block Editor. In just six weeks, your child will learn how to make it rain chickens, build a base with a press of a button or even run faster than Usain Bolt in the game!

Do you have more of a hands-on child? Skip Minecraft and dive into Bits+Bots sessions! Using Microsoft's super kid-friendly Block Editor and a handy dandy micro:bit device, your child will learn to make a scrolling name badge, compass, or even a banana keyboard!

Coming Soon: Dash Code*
Robotics is all the rage these days, both in the professional sphere and the classroom. Robots are the future, after all. With our little robot friends, Dash and Dot, we'll teach your child how to code robots to play Hot Potato, create art or even joust each other!